New offer, branch meeting on Wednesday *updated with room details*


On Friday night, details of a new USS offer emerged:

We have some time to collect feedback of branch members. Please consider the offer and whether you would accept or reject it.

This Wednesday at 9.30am (Student Central, room 3B), we will hold a general meeting of UCU branch members.

We appreciate that some of you may already be on your Easter holidays and that some of you may end up working at home due to the ongoing student occupation. However, this is a significant moment in the dispute and it’s important that you tell us what you’re thinking so that we can represent views of branch members.

If you know you won’t be at Wednesday’s meeting, please let us know what you think in another way. At 11am on Wednesday, a member of the committee will attend a national meeting of UCU branches to discuss member feedback, in advance of a meeting of the UCU Higher Education Committee.